How to add currency converter to blogger blog

How to add currency converter to blogger blog ?

If you have a news or economic blog or even a general blog, adding a currency converter to your blog will be a beautiful addition that gives additional information to the reader and gives a professional look to the blog.

How to add currency converter to blogger blog

The currency converter that we will add today is a converter that directly gives the latest currency conversion values for most countries of the world. You can also choose the currency of your country as the default currency. In addition, it is free and easy to install and you can place it anywhere in the blog, whether within the topics or on the sidebar or the top, this An example of how the adapter would appear inside threads:

I Have
I Want

How to add currency converter to blogger:

  • Go to the following website: floatrates

  • In the top menu, click on Widgets and then on Currency Converter in the sub-menu.

  • You will be presented with three options for the appearance of the tool:

  1. Horizontal currency converter: You can use it in the header or footer of the blog and you can also use it inside topics, this option allows you to change the default currencies and values.
  2. Vertical currency converter: It is intended to be used on the sidebar, and you can also change the currencies and default values.
  3. Simple Currency Converter: It does not give you the option to change currencies by menu but is limited to two virtual currencies.

Suppose we want to add a converter to the sidbar, go to Blogger > Layout and from the sidebar add an HTML/JavaScript widget, then go back to the currency converter website and copy the code corresponding to the vertical currency converter and paste it inside the widget and save the changes.

Change the default values:

You will notice that the default values ​​for the tool are from the dollar to the euro, to change them, for example, from the Egyptian pound to the dollar, go to the site and search for the country’s currency symbol in the sidebar, for example, the Egyptian pound symbol is EGP, let’s go back to the code we copied in the blog and change the usd to egp and then change eur to usd, you can also change the default quantity from 1 to 10 for example, in the same code search for value=1 and change it to 10 or any value you want.

How to add currency converter to blogger blog

We hope that we have helped you, if you encounter any problems leave them in the comments and we will respond to them, God willing.

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