Explanation of deleting gadgets that cannot be deleted in Blogger

Many beginners face problems when changing the template, as they find some additions and do not delete from the previous one, and many of them return the old template to solve the problem.

To overcome this problem who wants to remove the tools that we do not delete. Follow the explanation below:

Explanation of deleting gadgets that cannot be deleted in Blogger

Today we are adding a new explanation on the Blogger developer blog.

How to overcome blogger additions that do not delete

Many beginners face problems when changing the template, as they find some additions and do not delete from the previous one, and many of them return the old template to solve the problem.

To overcome this problem who wants to remove the tools that we do not delete. Follow the explanation below:

  • Go to Blog > Template > Edit HTML > Search for the widget you want to delete, for example the Popular Posts widget.

<b: widget id = 'PopularPosts1' locked = 'true' title = 'Popular Posts' type = 'PopularPosts'> ... </b: widget>

  • Replace the word 'true' with 'false' as follows:

<b:widget id='PopularPosts1' locked='false' title='Popular Posts' type='PopularPosts'>...</b:widget>

Save the template and go to Edit the tool, you will find the delete button, you can delete it now.

Now if you encounter this problem, do not worry anymore, you now know how to solve it

If you have any questions, feel free to share it in the comment box below.

I hope that the explanation of deleting the tools that cannot be deleted in Blogger has helped you. Thank you.

Explanation of deleting gadgets that cannot be deleted in Blogger

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